Beer has evolved, and you are a part of it

What is eBEER™?

eBEER™ is the world's first electro enhanced beer, a supercharged lager made with eBrewing technology, resulting in lower carbs and a flavour explosion.

What is eBrewing?

We are evolving the global beer space, innovating, and reimagining how beer is made.

eBrewing puts the ‘e’ in eBEER™.

It turns beer into an electro enhanced beer.

Where traditional techniques and advanced technology collide. Where water becomes a flavour super sponge and yeast receives superpowers.

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What does it taste like?

A supercharged lager with lower carbs and a flavour explosion, that's not only brewed with the precision of science but also elevated in taste body and aroma.

A crisp lager with a dry finish and refreshing carbonic bite. Top notes of lemon and citrus. Low bitterness (11 IBU). Super smashable. 4.2% ABV. Carbohydrate 6.9 per 375 ml (30% lower than traditional full-strength beer).

What is the result?

A supercharged lager with lower carbs and a flavour explosion, that's not only brewed with the precision of science but also elevated in taste, body and aroma.

Unparalleled Taste Experience

A crisp lager with a dry finish and refreshing carbonic bite

Top notes of lemon and citrus

Low bitterness

Super smashable

4.2% ABV

Carbohydrate 6.9g per 375 ml (30% lower than traditional full strength beers)

Messaging we would love you to share

"The World's First Electro Enhanced Beer"





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